We’ve got new combinations of our best delicious maple products this year. Visit or give us a call to get yours!
Maple Weekend 2023!
Saturday March 18th 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM and Sunday March 19th 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Maple Weekend is back at Just Maple, and we’re excited to offer all our favorites!
- Active evaporator
- Live music
- Maple Concessions (including our famous sap boiled hot dogs!)
- Samples (grades of syrup, maple cream, maple mustard, maple milk, maple apple butter, etc.)
- Educational tours
- Maple themed coloring pages for kids
The Shop will be open and fully stocked! We accept cash, check, and credit cards.
Bring your boots, it will be muddy!
Masks optional
Just Maple is Open!
Just Maple continues to provide our customers with the finest candy, syrup, and other maple products! Our store is open from 9 AM-5 PM Tuesday through Saturday and 11 AM-5 PM Sunday and Monday. For information or orders, call Barbara at 603-520-2373, or email us at [email protected]!
Be safe!
Holiday gift baskets and mugs available!
Check out our gift baskets and mug, packaged for holiday gift giving! Call to place your order soon.
November Schedule
Please note that Just Maple will be closed on Thanksgiving day. Please be safe, and we’ll see you at the farm!
New Holiday Bottles!

Check out our new item for the holidays: our 250 ml bottles of pure New Hampshire syrup etched by Gary Adams of Adams Laser Enterprise. Please call us at (603) 520-2373 or email us at [email protected].
Making maple with a Purple Moose

The Purple Moose books are written with the help of Mrs. Kristen Steele. Purple Moose entered her life after meeting him in the gift shop of the Water Wheel Breakfast and Gift House in Jefferson, New Hampshire in 2005. He was the perfect NH memento to take back to Ohio to share with her kindergarten class, where the school color was purple! Purple Moose’s airplane trip back to Ohio turned into Purple Moose’s first adventure book! He became the class mascot and loved creating stories with his many classmates. Mrs. Steele taught kindergarten and special education in the public schools systems of Virginia, Ohio, and New Hampshire for over 27 years. After returning to her native NH, she began working on publishing and writing the Purple Moose stories that her former students loved and inspired. Mrs. Steele is a big believer that children learn through play. It is her goal to live with enthusiasm and share her love of learning, the arts and the world with children.
For more about this book and others by Purple Moose, go to www.purplemoosekids.com
Kristen Steele and the Purple Moose will be at Just Maple for a book signing Maple Weekend, March 23-24. Details
One of NH’s newest maple producers to join the Maple Weekend open house at Just Maple
At the age of nine, Ethan Lemay has already learned something that most people don’t know, the effort that is put into producing maple syrup. Ethan has been maple sugaring with his dad now for 5 years and recently has decided to venture off own on his own. With the help of his parents, he has made hats, logos and even his own barrel stove evaporator that he and his dad made. The first and last boil of the season are on the barrel stove and when he’s not boiling, he’s out helping run his and his dad’s 300 bucket hobby operation. From collecting and boiling sap to filtering and bottling syrup Ethan has had a hand in every aspect of the operation and has quickly learned that with hard work and dedication comes sweet success!
New – Personalized Maple Bottles
These customized bottles make great wedding favors, anniversary party tokens or are fine additions to gift baskets. Your company logo can be added, whether you are a Just Maple reseller, or you want the bottles as a corporate gift or company “thank you”.
Please contact us at 603 520-2373 or [email protected] for more information.
Making Pure Maple Candy
The maple bubbles as Just Maple owner Barbara Proulx keeps a watchful eye on the latest batch. The kitchen is filled with a delicious smell. It’s a process that is part science, part alchemy and a little magic: making pure maple candy. Every piece of Just Maple maple candy is made right here in our commercial kitchen. The work requires a lot of focused attention and is painstaking – making creamy, high quality, maple candy is a three day process.
On day two, the maple candy is placed in stainless steel baskets and dipped into pure maple syrup. Nicknamed “dipping sauce”, this maple syrup has to be prepared carefully so it is right at the proper density before candy is dipped. This part of the process creates a nice creamy texture that holds up well. The candy will have a little firmness on the outside to contrast the smooth texture on the inside; a real “melt in your mouth” experience! After dipping, the maple candy is drained and hand-dried piece by piece. Then it goes back on the racks for final drying for another 24 hours.
Maple candy from Just Maple stores extremely well – just keep it a room temperature. It should be noted that if it is in a warm, humid environment too long, its consistency can change – it may become harder. If that happens, it can still be eaten, used as sweetener or in cooking. Most likely, you won’t encounter this… Maple candy has a way of getting eaten up!