Maple Candies, Sugar, Cream and more
Sugarhouse Box, 15 Leaf | Click above for order form, or call Barbara at Just Maple 603 520-2373 for more info |
Just Maple Tip:
Use our maple sugar candy in place of sugar cubes to sweeten coffee or tea. Upgrades regular coffee to amazing!
Maple Cream
16 oz Maple Cream | 8 oz Maple Cream | 4 oz Maple Cream |
Maple Mustard & Maple Apple Butter
Maple Covered Walnuts 3.5 oz | Maple Covered Almonds 3.5 oz | Maple Covered Pecans 3.5 oz |
Maple Covered Peanuts 3.5 oz | Maple Covered Cashews 3.5 oz | Maple Covered Mixed Nuts 3.5 oz |
Just Maple Recipe Tip: Try chopping either the walnuts or pecans into a salad with balsamic vinaigrette for sweet/sour perfection!