The Purple Moose books are written with the help of Mrs. Kristen Steele. Purple Moose entered her life after meeting him in the gift shop of the Water Wheel Breakfast and Gift House in Jefferson, New Hampshire in 2005. He was the perfect NH memento to take back to Ohio to share with her kindergarten class, where the school color was purple! Purple Moose’s airplane trip back to Ohio turned into Purple Moose’s first adventure book! He became the class mascot and loved creating stories with his many classmates. Mrs. Steele taught kindergarten and special education in the public schools systems of Virginia, Ohio, and New Hampshire for over 27 years. After returning to her native NH, she began working on publishing and writing the Purple Moose stories that her former students loved and inspired. Mrs. Steele is a big believer that children learn through play. It is her goal to live with enthusiasm and share her love of learning, the arts and the world with children.
For more about this book and others by Purple Moose, go to www.purplemoosekids.com
Kristen Steele and the Purple Moose will be at Just Maple for a book signing Maple Weekend, March 23-24. Details